Proud people focus on the failures of others.
Broken people are overwhelmed with a sense of their own spiritual need.
Proud people have a critical, fault-finding spirit; they look at everyone else’s faults with a microscope but their own with a telescope.
Broken people are compassionate; they can forgive much because they know how much they have been forgiven.
Proud people are self-righteous; they look down on others.
Broken people esteem all others better than themselves.
Proud people have an independent, self-sufficient spirit.
Broken people have a dependent spirit; they recognize their need for others.
Proud people have to prove that they are right.
Broken people are willing to yield the right to be right.
Proud people claim rights; they have a demanding spirit.
Broken people yield their rights; they have a meek spirit.
Proud people are self-protective of their time, their rights, and their reputation.
Broken people are self-denying.
Proud people desire to be served.
Broken people are motivated to serve others.
Proud people desire to be a success.
Broken people are motivated to be faithful and to make others a success.
Proud people desire self-advancement.
Broken people desire to promote others.
Proud people have a drive to be recognized and appreciated.
Broken people have a sense of their own unworthiness; they are thrilled that God would use them at all.
Proud people are wounded when others are promoted and they are overlooked.
Broken people are eager for others to get the credit; they rejoice when others are lifted up.
Proud people have a subconscious feeling, “This ministry/church is privileged to have me and my gifts”; they think of what they can do for God.
Broken people’s heart attitude is, “I don’t deserve to have a part in any ministry”; they know that they have nothing to offer God except the life of Jesus flowing through their broken lives.
Proud people feel confident in how much they know.
Broken people are humbled by how very much they have to learn.
Proud people are self-conscious.
Broken people are not concerned with self at all.
Proud people keep others at arms’ length.
Broken people are willing to risk getting close to others and to take risks of loving intimately.
Proud people are quick to blame others.
Broken people accept personal responsibility and can see where they are wrong in a situation.
Proud people are unapproachable or defensive when criticized.
Broken people receive criticism with a humble, open spirit.
Proud people are concerned with being respectable, with what others think; they work to protect their own image and reputation.
Broken people are concerned with being real; what matters to them is not what others think but what God knows; they are willing to die to their own reputation.
Proud people find it difficult to share their spiritual need with others.
Broken people are willing to be open and transparent with others as God directs.
Proud people want to be sure that no one finds out when they have sinned; their instinct is to cover up.
Broken people, once broken, don’t care who knows or who finds out; they are willing to be exposed because they have nothing to lose.
Proud people have a hard time saying, “I was wrong; will you please forgive me?”
Broken people are quick to admit failure and to seek forgiveness when necessary.
Proud people tend to deal in generalities when confessing sin.
Broken people are able to acknowledge specifics when confessing their sin.
Proud people are concerned about the consequences of their sin.
Broken people are grieved over the cause, the root of their sin.
Proud people are remorseful over their sin, sorry that they got found out or caught.
Broken people are truly, genuinely repentant over their sin, evidenced in the fact that they forsake that sin.
Proud people wait for the other to come and ask forgiveness when there is a misunderstanding or conflict in a relationship.
Broken people take the initiative to be reconciled when there is misunderstanding or conflict in relationships; they race to the cross; they see if they can get there first, no matter how wrong the other may have been.
Proud people compare themselves with others and feel worthy of honor.
Broken people compare themselves to the holiness of God and feel a desperate need for His mercy.
Proud people are blind to their true heart condition.
Broken people walk in the light.
Proud people don’t think they have anything to repent of.
Broken people realize they have need of a continual heart attitude of repentance.
Proud people don’t think they need revival, but they are sure that everyone else does.
Broken people continually sense their need for a fresh encounter with God and for a fresh filling of His Holy Spirit.
© Revive Our Hearts. Used with permission.
"Wash My Feet, Lord"
I am a sinner, saved by grace, loving and loved by the Saviour, and striving to live the words of Scripture throughout my sanctification. I need to be convicted and changed more into the image of Christ. I desire to share with you, within this blog, all that I am daily learning. I want to serve Christ and become more and more like Him. I don’t want to live a legalistic life, but I do want to live a holy one. I want to see God receive the glory He deserves. I want to see the depth and richness of the Gospel come back to the Church. I want to see God’s people encouraging and building one another up in Christ. I want to encourage young people, and be encouraged by them, to live a set-apart life. I want to give up my life for the sake of the Kingdom and it’s King.
May you accept what is written here, if it truly honors the Lord, as coming from a heart that purely wants to honor Jesus Christ, my Savior. As He teaches me, rebukes me, corrects me, and trains me in righteousness, I hope to grow in my knowledge and love for Him. May everything that is said here bring Him glory. If I stray from the truths of Scriptures, please tell me. May my words be full of grace, as though seasoned with salt. May "the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my rock and my Redeemer.” (Ps. 19:14)
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Increasing in the Knowledge of God...
"The Child (Jesus) continued to grow and become strong, increasing in wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him...And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men." Luke 2:40 & 52
As we reflect upon the humility of Christ becoming man, a sinless man, and humbling Himself, I discover encouragement for my own walk with God. Colossians 1:10 says we are to "walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God..." Just as Jesus "increased in wisdom" though He was God Himself, we, too, must increase in our knowledge of God. But we are not alone in this. We have the promise of Colossians 1:11-14. We are "strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light. For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."
Be encouraged! We are "strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might", being redeemed by His precious blood!
As we reflect upon the humility of Christ becoming man, a sinless man, and humbling Himself, I discover encouragement for my own walk with God. Colossians 1:10 says we are to "walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God..." Just as Jesus "increased in wisdom" though He was God Himself, we, too, must increase in our knowledge of God. But we are not alone in this. We have the promise of Colossians 1:11-14. We are "strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light. For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."
Be encouraged! We are "strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might", being redeemed by His precious blood!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Jesus Died for Me
My God when I approach Your throne
And all Your glory see
This is my stay and this alone
That Jesus died for me
How can a soul condemned to die
Escape your just decree?
A vile unworthy wretch am I
But Jesus died for me
What glorious love, redeeming love
That bore my shame on Calvary
I will forever sing His praise
Because I owe Him everything
Weighed down with sin’s oppressive chain
Oh how can I get free?
No peace can all my efforts gain
But Jesus died for me
One day I’ll look upon Your face
And this will be my plea
“Save me by Your almighty grace
For Jesus died for me”
Original lyrics by William Hiley Bathburst
Additional lyrics by Steve and Vikki Cook
Copyright 2006 Before the Throne Music.
And all Your glory see
This is my stay and this alone
That Jesus died for me
How can a soul condemned to die
Escape your just decree?
A vile unworthy wretch am I
But Jesus died for me
What glorious love, redeeming love
That bore my shame on Calvary
I will forever sing His praise
Because I owe Him everything
Weighed down with sin’s oppressive chain
Oh how can I get free?
No peace can all my efforts gain
But Jesus died for me
One day I’ll look upon Your face
And this will be my plea
“Save me by Your almighty grace
For Jesus died for me”
Original lyrics by William Hiley Bathburst
Additional lyrics by Steve and Vikki Cook
Copyright 2006 Before the Throne Music.
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